Tuesday, October 23, 2007

HW 24: A Room of My Own

In my room compared to a room of a man, it would be very different. Sexism is still trying to be progressed everyday and let men and women be equal for once. For some issues it’s ok for men to do one thing but the second a women does it we will be judged because it is inappropriate for us and not lady like. It has increased greatly in the effort that women are allowed to do more things and can take a more serious and political role in the society. I know that the world is different and for women we are often looked down on things for the same things that men do on a daily basis. An example is at my house my brother is allowed to have girls in his room with the door closed but my parents tell me that if were in my room the door has to be open which isn’t fair just because he is a guy and it’s ok for him because he is a boy. The quote, “there is no precise height of women” (Woolf, 85) is saying that women are capable of doing anything and should have the right to be just as great as men in their lives. Another quote “that is to say men are only writing with the male side of their brains” (Woolf 101) which is saying that men are only writing towards them and they don’t think that women were in actuality know what they are talking about and understand the full effects of the information.

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