Monday, November 12, 2007

HW 30: Citizenship Symposium

I also attended a third citizenship symposium and it was on Tuesday November 6 at 7:00-10:00. It was the documentary and discussion of June Cross and film called Secret Daughter. June Cross was a filmmaker and journalist. She grew up her whole life living with a close friend to his mothers who took her under their wings. Junes mother was ashamed that her daughter was going to be a different race then her and she got everyone to believe that June was not her daughter and she was adopted. Junes life was very hard because she had to grow up in the world in which she wasn't able to live with her real mother and she had no idea to whom her biological father was until she was in her early 20's when she went out on her own to find her father. June's film and speaker was a very touching topic that really grabbed my attention and it was also one that i really enjoyed and it made me want to follow the film and what she had to say.

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