Friday, November 9, 2007

HW 30: Symposium 2

The second citizenship symposium I attended was Who are The Citizen Journalists? The main speaker was Tom Lantos who is the only surivor of Holocaust who served in the US congress. Tom came to the US when he was at the age 19 and it was right after WWII. And in 2006 he became the head chair memeber of the foregin committee. In Lanots' speech a main topic was, 'American did not teach men the idea of freedom she taught them how to practice it." Another main issue he focused on was why reputation is so much less important now then it was just a few years ago. Tom has so much hope for the US to grow and become better every day.He mentationed having two rules for the upcoming president of the United States, First they must bring our country together domestically, and also they must rebuild the statue, respect, and prestige for the United States internationally. I thought his speech was very intersting and one that i gained knowledge from.

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